Community Meetings
Past Meetings
Summer Quarterly Meeting, June 14, 2021 from 6:00pm - 7:15pm
This quarterly meeting was held as a focus group, with the goal to listen to families of children and adolescents with cancer and learn about difficulties and barriers faced during and after treatment. The meeting opened with a presentation by Nancy Lebrun, BS, CTR, Director of Cancer Information Systems at the Rhode Island Cancer Registry. Ms. Lebrun’s presentation covered an overview of the RI Cancer Registry and its past and current projects.
Fall Quarterly Meeting, October 7th, 2020 from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The featured speaker was Dr. Karen Kayser, LaRocca Endowed Chair in Oncology Social Work at the University of Louisville, Kent School of Social Work. Dr. Kayser specializes in psychosocial oncology and is nationally recognized as a leader in this field. She is also currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Psychosocial Oncology.
Winter Quarterly Meeting, December 11th, 2019 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm
This quarterly meeting was held at the Rhode Island College School of Social Work, where members learned about the history of The Partnership, and its current priorities, and heard a very informative presentation by Junhie Oh, BDS, MPH, Senior Public Health Epidemiologist, RI Department of Health. Ms. Oh’s presentation focused on the variance in survival rates for different types of cancers and variables such as age, sex, and race over time. To view the presentation in its entirety, please click this link: Junhie Oh RI Cancer Report.