
Dear friends,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for everyone who supported the Partnership during 401Gives this year by making a donation, attending our Making Waves of Change event, and spreading the word.
Thank you to the 27 donors who helped us raise $2,263 this year! Your donations will support our mission to prevent cancer and improve the quality of life of all Rhode Islanders living with cancer through education, advocacy, and supportive resources. Each gift made will support:
Community programs that promote prevention and screening of cancer
Creation and delivery of care kits to patients in active treatment
Education events for our providers and community partners
Survivorship resources for patients, caregivers, and families
And much more!
Thank you again for your continued support! If you are interested in becoming more involved with the Partnership and the work we do year-round, please sign up to become a member.
With appreciation,
Executive Director

Dear friends,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for everyone who supported the Partnership during 401Gives last weekend, whether you made a donation, ran a peer-to-peer fundraiser, or helped spread the word.
This year, United Way of Rhode Island's 401Gives event was an entire weekend from March 31 - April 3. The Partnership engaged with the community at Audrey's Coffee House and Lounge on Friday and at the special WaterFire celebration on Saturday. It was truly a community event!
Thank you to the 71 donors who helped us raise $6,780 this past weekend! Your donations will support our mission to prevent cancer and improve the quality of life of all Rhode Islanders living with cancer through education, advocacy, and supportive resources. Each gift made will support:
Community programs that promote prevention and screening of cancer
Creation and delivery of care kits to patients in active treatment
Education events for our providers and community partners
Survivorship resources for patients, caregivers, and families
And much more!
Thank you again for your continued support! If you are interested in becoming more involved with the Partnership and the work we do year-round, please sign up to become a member.
With appreciation,
Executive Director